第39回 国際問題プレゼンテーション・コンテストの開催
今年度は、「私の提言 日本ASEAN友好協力50周年を契機に、私たちが目指す今後の日ASEAN関係」のテーマで参加者を募集したところ、個人やチームの皆様から多数の応募があり、審査委員による事前審査を終え、本選出場者が決定しました。今回は、ASEAN諸国出身の留学生の方も参加予定です。
“The International Issues Presentation Contest” will be hosted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
The 39th International Issues Presentation Contest
The International Issues Presentation Contest is an event held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to provide an opportunity for university students to deepen their interest and understanding of Japan’s foreign policy and international affairs, and to enhance their ability to play an active role in the international community through friendly competition and exchange with their peers.
This year, we invited participants under the theme of “My Proposal: Our Future ASEAN-Japan Relations on the 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation” and received many applications from individuals and teams. We are pleased to announce that the preliminary screening has been completed and the finalists have been selected. This time, ASEAN nationality students are scheduled to participate.
High quality presentations are expected on the day. We will also invite you to watch the event at the venue or in online. Please register for this event.

第39回 国際問題プレゼンテーション・コンテストの開催
今年度は、「私の提言 日本ASEAN友好協力50周年を契機に、私たちが目指す今後の日ASEAN関係」のテーマで参加者を募集したところ、個人やチームの皆様から多数の応募があり、審査委員による事前審査を終え、本選出場者が決定しました。今回は、ASEAN諸国出身の留学生の方も参加予定です。
“The International Issues Presentation Contest” will be hosted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
The 39th International Issues Presentation Contest
The International Issues Presentation Contest is an event held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to provide an opportunity for university students to deepen their interest and understanding of Japan’s foreign policy and international affairs, and to enhance their ability to play an active role in the international community through friendly competition and exchange with their peers.
This year, we invited participants under the theme of “My Proposal: Our Future ASEAN-Japan Relations on the 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation” and received many applications from individuals and teams. We are pleased to announce that the preliminary screening has been completed and the finalists have been selected. This time, ASEAN nationality students are scheduled to participate.
High quality presentations are expected on the day. We will also invite you to watch the event at the venue or in online. Please register for this event.