Welcome party for new ASJA-MEXT students

The welcome party is attended by MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), JASSO (Japan Students Services Organization) Tokyo Japanese Language Education Center, people concerned in ASJA, as well as seniors and alumni.

After a congratulatory address by distinguished guests, the new ASJA students will present a self-introduction speech in Japanese. They can choose to talk about various topics such as their field of research in university, life in Japan, their interest in Japanese, and what they look forward to as an exchange student in Japan.

Through welcome speeches and songs prepared by seniors, fellow ASJA-MEXT students can strengthen their connection to each other.

For the new students, this welcome party will be a place where they can socialize with seniors and advisors. Furthermore, they will be warmly welcomed by ASJA and fully realize that they are supported by many people in their exchange student journey.